Your LUMI Ideas
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The MAGIC of our night lights: LUMI Animals
The MAGIC of our night lights:
LUMI Animals
The dark side...
About 127,000,000 LED lamps are sold in France each year, which represents 350,000 units per day and 4 per second. A priori more ecological, less energy-consuming and endowed with a longer lifespan, the excessive use that we make of it has completely disturbed our nocturnal landscape with catastrophic consequences on our environment.
Dear Dads, dear Moms!
Do you recognize yourself in one of these 2 situations?
Hallway light on every night,
or even better: your little gem is sleeping in your bed?
'Mamannnnnn, I can't sleep!'
Today CB LUMI Design gives you 3 LUMI tips
so that your child is no longer afraid of the dark!
First of all, do you know why children are afraid when they are in the dark? You will surely answer that it is because they imagine that a monster is hiding under his bed. Yes of course, but not only! Have you noticed that when your child is snuggled up against you in your comfy big bed, his fear of the dark vanishes? Ah! Your child is afraid of the dark simply because he is alone in his room. The fact of being separated from the people who protect him during the day causes him great anxiety.
So how to deal with this anxiety that will only grow if it is not well understood? How to gently manage this separation?
Hop, over here 3 LUMI tips!
LUMI tip number 1:
Forget about total darkness and conventional nightlights that are dangerous for your child's safety and health. Thanks to our 'Les LUMI Animals' nightlights, your child will fall asleep peacefully. Its soft light will rock him and accompany him in his dreams.
LUMI tip number 2:
When you put your child to bed, tell him a nice story with his LUMI so that he associates his night light as a real companion for his nights. His LUMI will be much more than a night light, it will be a cuddly toy that he can put in the hollow of his pillow without the risk of hurting himself or damaging his eyes.
LUMI tip number 3:
Finally and always proceed step by step by leaving his bedroom door ajar so that he feels reassured by your presence. With patience and his LUMI, your child will soon no longer be afraid of the dark.
Today, a third of humanity no longer sees the Milky Way:
Light pollution has become a real scourge
for our environment and for our health.
CB LUMI Design would like to enlighten you on some facts about the dark side of our dear light-emitting diodes
Alarm bell
For more than 20 years, the National Association for the Protection of the Sky and the Night Environment has been sounding the alarm about the growing increase in LEDs.
A term that appeared in the 1970s, 'light pollution' designates an excessive and/or inappropriate use of artificial light. The consequences due to this excess are devastating causing direct disruption to our ecosystems.
In perpetual evolution, electroluminescent technology continues to grow: from domestic lighting to automotive lighting, via the pharmaceutical industry and connected objects. In other words, we are all directly and indirectly involved in this environmental issue.
The rebound effect
Experts speak of the 'rebound effect' when the way we try to reduce energy consumption (insulation, more efficient heating, reduction in vehicle consumption, etc.) leads to the cancellation of this effect by an increase in their use.
Due to their very attractive price (between 2 and 5 euros), LEDs are used in greater quantities every day. The beneficial effects on electricity consumption are then canceled and therefore polluting.
Health and Ecosystem in danger
The emission of blue light produced by LEDs is a thousand times higher than other household lights. It alters the ability to produce hormones and therefore disturbs our sleep. More dazzling but with equal light, they tend to close more the retina and therefore limit the entry of light. Result: they illuminate more but we see less well.
In addition, we currently know, thanks to a study conducted by Romain Sordello, Biodiversity Expert Engineer, that artificial lighting is mainly responsible for the greater mortality of certain species of migratory birds that flee light sources. Insects are not spared: attracted by lampposts, we note a considerable drop in their reproduction due to the fact that their pollination process is strongly disturbed.
Individual and collective consciousness
Since July 20, 2016, nightscapes have been recognized as “common heritage of the nation”, and it is “everyone’s duty to protect them”. France has 11 million light points and more than 3.5 million illuminated signs.
The importance of citizen mobilization is very important, such as the support Barbara Pompili, Secretary of State for Biodiversity, during her interview with Anpecen (National Association for the Protection of the Sky and the Nocturnal Environment) .
Our Lumi Spheres: decoration with design
simple & with enchanting colors
Our Luminescent spheres, small, medium or large, are waiting for you to find the perfect place in your haven of peace. Whether they are inside,
on your balcony or in your garden:
CB LUMI Design offers you a design decoration
the day and Lumineuse the night until the early morning.
In your interior: What is the style of your Home Sweet Home? Cozy? Rustic? Minimalist? Our Lumi Spheres with their simple design and range of colors can be installed in every corner of your home. Both in your living room, on your small piece of furniture in the hallway, on your bedside table, etc ... One of the LUMI + is that our products do not present any risk of domestic accident because they have no wires or batteries . They are also non-toxic and non-flammable.
On your balcony: Our LUMI Spheres can be placed in a planter, on a low wall or even on your pretty wooden table. One of the LUMI+'s is that you won't need to bring them in in bad weather. They are very resistant. The sun does not deteriorate their quality or color.
In your garden: Whatever size you choose, the Lumi spheres will adorn your driveway, the front of your front door or a flowerbed and beautify your garden while illuminating as soon as night falls delicately but sufficiently to create an atmosphere. magical and reassuring. One of the LUMI+ is that the luminescence shines between 8 and 10 o'clock. An extended family meal, a return from an evening with friends late at night, your LUMI Spheres will accompany you pleasantly at all times.